voice & data

Voice & Data

fire alarm

Fire Alarm

data center

Data Center

security access control

Security Access Control

nurse call

Nurse Call

audio visual

Audio Visual

structured cabling

Structured Cabling



We are the Low Voltage Staffing Experts

Tech Nation is a Low Voltage Staffing company that provides clients with highly trained and skilled technicians. No matter the size or scope of the project, we can offer 1 tech or 100 techs for one day or an entire year. Our vast industry experience and broad range of skilled and qualified labor allows us to deliver on our promises.

Because we are laser focused on a specific industry, our highly trained internal staff makes attention to our client’s needs our number one priority. Tech Nation, with an industry reputation that is second to none, is driven every day to create repeat clients. This is another reason that our candidates always go thru a rigorous screening process …

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Great communication, consistently provide strong candidates. Excellent team to partner with – clear communications and a passion for excellence. They have made a huge impact on our Low Voltage staffing situations … They consistently provide us with strong candidates.

Project Manager, Telecommunications Client - Scottsdale, AZ

Having worked with other Low Voltage staffing agencies, I very much appreciate how Tech Nation handles and conducts their business. Very professional and not pushy in any way.

Director of Human Resources, Communications Client - New York, NY

Always top-notch temps. Great customer care with special attention to detail…Simply the best.

President, Systems Integration Client - Las Vegas, NV

Great communication, consistently provide strong candidates.

Project Manager, Cabling Client - Seattle, WA